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Presenter Bio

Dr. Richard Pinneau received his doctorate in psychology from the University of Michigan in 1975, completing his dissertation on how job stress affects employee health. He served on the faculty of Wake Forest University School of Medicine for three years, where he taught sections of the Doctor-Patient Relations course for medical students and Theories of Personality at the undergraduate campus. During this time his primary research projects involved psychosocial factors in hypertension and trauma victim assistance. In 1979 he opened his private practice as the first Stress Management and Biofeedback Center in North Carolina, treating clients with chronic pain, anxiety, and stress-related disorders. Since his retirement from private practice, Richard enjoys speaking and consulting for industry nationwide on subjects including stress management, holistic health, pain management, yoga, and meditation. He is co-author of Job Demands and Worker Health, published by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

As a psychologist and teacher, Richard was able to reach thousands of individuals who were seriously injured or impaired by stress-related problems and give them skills for returning to effective life and work. These same skills and methodologies can enable individuals to prevent the costly and distressing fallout that modern pressures and stresses bring. In 2003, he and Jean Archer, his partner in life and work, founded WellPath Resources, LLC, with the objective of reaching hundreds of thousands through the workplace and through public lectures, empowering people with these skills. By providing corporations and their employees with the means to protect themselves in advance from the devastations of modern stress these training programs secure both their physical health and fiscal well-being.

Dr. Pinneau has been active in child abuse prevention in the NC Piedmont Triad and participated in developing agencies to help women cope with domestic violence and sexual assault. In 1982 he founded the Piedmont Triad’s nonprofit Center for Life Enrichment where for twenty years he directed its mind-body health programs and taught systems of complementary medicine and holistic self-health. He served as editor of that Center’s wellness Newsletter for more years than he chooses to remember.

His battle with early-age back problems led Richard to cull from traditional yoga programs a secular yoga style he terms “Yoga that You Can Do,” designed for those whose flexibility has already been reduced by injury or aging. He has integrated the safest and most universal exercises of classic yoga with gentler versions of other postures, while omitting the gee-whiz postures that require head-stands or human-pretzel effects.

For recreation and in a search to comprehend the puzzle of creative genius, he immerses himself in the mystery of William Shakespeare’s apparent immortality. Richard is an ardent sonneteer but has consistently refused to publish his poems — not wishing to add to the embarrassment of step-children who are closer to the hip-hop than Elizabethan generations.

As another outlet for creative writing he is an active reviewer at, specializing in reviews of creative and technical books.

His appreciation of technology as a servant to humanity has led him to become a hobbyist with open-source software for internet design — exploring its application to Shakespearean research, creativity, and personal development.



©2003-2008, Richard Pinneau

    WellPath Resources, LLC