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Awake and Ready!

Presentations by

Richard Pinneau, Ph.D.

Awaken your mind and body to their fullest health, enjoyment, and excellence!

Be ready...  for anything that life throws at you. Stride through it, staying calm, relaxed and focused.

Most Popular Presentations:

• Hurry up and relax!

That’s a joke, of course. We learn to get tied in knots over decades — so it takes a little persistence to change those patterns. Dr. Pinneau finds, however, that during this one-hour introduction many people can throw off a lot of their physical tensions and mental burdens. With a few simple strategies he shows you how to make de-stressing an automatic habit! [ More info. ]

• Mind’s power to keep body well.

Every week you can read a new story about how stress hurts your health — that’s the power the mind has over the body. Turn the tables on stress and use these same mind-body abilities to protect and start healing the body. Dr. Pinneau shares the same methods he honed during years of private practice treating “the incurable.” The best doctors have always appreciated how positive will to live improves a patient's chance to live; imagine how your enhanced will can enable you to thrive!

• Pain relief without pain relievers.

Headaches, neck pain, back spasms, and chronic inflammations often baffle doctors. And some people dislike the effects of medications given merely to block the pain. Did you know your own nervous system has natural methods for blocking pain and promoting healing? Learn to harness the power of your mind to outwit the body’s pains. Carry these simple tension- and pain-relieving techniques within yourself — like an invisible first-aid kit — and with no side-effects!

• Meditation without the gurus.

The benefits of meditation are now so well established that it’s a shame instruction is not more accessible. Dr. Pinneau debunks myths that have stood in the way (myths such as “you make your mind go blank” or “you must be taught by a holy man whose name you can barely pronounce”.) The secrets are few, but little-understood. When applied as a part of a brief daily meditation routine, these simple techniques for taming the mind will sharpen you mentally and optimize your performance at work and play.


  “The significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”  —Albert Einstein

From our presenter:

“Stresses seem to multiply every year, and it seems unlikely there will ever be a world without stress. After all, any situation you care about is guaranteed to bring along its own special pressures and unpredictable changes. Yet it is how you handle those stresses that determines how much pain and grief you incur — or how much joy and victory you achieve. It’s my pleasure to help you cultivate skills that enable you to enjoy this adventure to the fullest!”  —Richard Pinneau

Stress is inevitable...     
      distress is optional!

William George, founder of the cutting-edge biomedical conglomerate Medtronic, Inc., meditates daily before and after work, explaining that his decompressing time “helps sort things out, gets me prepared, and relieves a lot of the stress. ... Quite frankly, many of my most creative thoughts have come out of meditation.”  —from Industry Week, Nov. 2000

“I went to the stress management presentation just hoping to learn a few relaxation tips. I was delightfully surprised by Dr. Pinneau’s engaging style and amusing stories. I was even more surprised the next day after I left my handbag at a crowded restaurant. At first I responded with my usual panic. (All my credit cards, checkbook, license, etc. were in there!) I was so agitated I thought I shouldn’t be driving, but I had to get that bag. Racing across town, I remembered the breathing and mind-body strategies Dr. Pinneau showed us. Almost instantly I was calmer and more focused. I know my driving was a lot better!”  —Retired legal secretary

“43% of adults suffer from adverse health effects due to stress. Stress also causes about 1 million employees to be absent any given workday and is ultimately responsible for 50% of employee burnout and 40% of employee turnover.”  —Training & Development Magazine, August 2000

©2003-2008, Richard Pinneau

    WellPath Resources, LLC